Binary circuits are used to create digital circuits such as digital computers. Binary digital circuits are electronic circuits that have only two possible output states. A specific voltage or current level represents each state. An electronic circuit that receives binary data (on/off) and processes it according to Boolean logic rules (AND, OR, and NOT). An intelligent electronic device (IED) is a controller for power system equipment such as circuit breakers, transformers, and capacitor banks that is built around a microprocessor. Any device with one or more processors that can receive or deliver data/control from or to an external source is referred to as a data/control device (e.g., electronic multifunction metres, digital relays, and controllers).
By completing this digital electric circuits and intelligent electric devices course, you will get more knowledge along with practical tips and advice that will help you to learn every aspect of this digital electric circuits and intelligent electric devices course. This digital electric circuits and intelligent electric devices course equips you with skills to pursue a better understanding of logic gates or careers related to digital electric circuits and intelligent electric devices.
This digital electric circuits and intelligent electric devices course is designed with many relevant video classes, PDFs, and exercises. So, after completing this digital electric circuits and intelligent electric devices course, you will be completely ready with all the requirements to understand the work of digital circuits in modern electric devices in today’s world.
You will have the best guidelines given by our expert trainers who are experienced in digital electric circuits and intelligent electric devices. Under the supervision of these trainers, along with the provided video classes and PDFs, you can unleash your digital electric circuits and intelligent electric devices skills to the top and have a strong position in the job market.
What will you learn from this course:
- At first you will learn about numbering systems.
- Details you need to know about binary arithmetic.
- Increasing your knowledge by learning logic gates.
Who attends:
- This digital electric circuits and intelligent electric devices course is ideal for people looking to advance in their careers where logic circuit knowledge is required.
- For those who are electricians and are looking to further develop their skills and knowledge.
- People who want to perform better in digital electric circuits & intelligent electric devices related careers.
- Those who are passionate about digital electric circuits & intelligent electric devices related skills.
- Learners who desire to be more efficient in digital electric circuits & intelligent electric devices.