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Pet first aid is the treatment given to a domestic animal that is wounded or unwell before professional medical help arrives. Much of the first aid given to pets is comparable to that given to humans, although there are a few key differences, particularly in terms of anatomy.

By completing this pet first aid course, you will gain more knowledge along with practical tips and advice that will help you learn every aspect of the pet first aid course. This pet first aid course equips you with the skills to pursue careers as animal first aiders or careers related to pet first aid.

This pet first aid course is designed with many relevant video classes, PDFs, and exercises. So, after completing this pet first aid course, you will be completely ready with all the requirements to be a veterinary assistant in today’s job market.

You will have the best guidelines given by our expert trainers who are experienced in pet first aid. Under the supervision of these trainers, along with the provided video classes and PDFs, you can unleash your pet first aid skills to the top and have a strong position in the job market.

What will you learn from this course:

  • At first you will learn about pet first aid.
  • Details you need to know about collapse and CPR.
  • Increasing your knowledge by learning bleeding and bandaging.
  • Fractures and seizures.

Who attends:

  • This pet first aid is ideal for people looking to progress their career into an animal first aider.
  • For those who want to become veterinary assistants, as well as looking to further develop their skills and knowledge.
  • People who want to perform better in pet first aid related careers.
  • Those who are passionate about pet first aid related skills.
  • Learners who desire to be more efficient in pet first aid.

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 18 Lessons
  • Course Certificate
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