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Understanding Attachment Theory: Building Healthy Connections

Attachment theory is a fundamental concept in psychology that explores how early relationships and attachments shape our emotional development, interpersonal connections, and overall well-being throughout our lives. In this comprehensive online course, you will delve deep into attachment theory, its origins, key concepts, and practical implications for personal growth and professional development.

What you’ll learn:

Module 1: Introduction to Attachment Theory

– Origins and Pioneers of Attachment Theory

– The Importance of Attachment in Human Development

– Key Attachment Styles and Patterns

Module 2: Bowlby’s Attachment Theory

– John Bowlby’s Attachment Theory

– The Attachment Behavioral System

– The Secure Base Concept

Module 3: Attachment Styles

– Secure Attachment Style

– Anxious-Preoccupied Attachment Style

– Dismissive-Avoidant Attachment Style

– Fearful-Avoidant Attachment Style

Module 4: Developmental Implications

– Attachment Across the Lifespan

– Parent-Child Attachment

– Romantic Relationships and Attachment

– Attachment in Friendship and Social Networks

Module 5: Attachment and Mental Health

– Attachment and Emotional Regulation

– Attachment and Mental Health Disorders

– Therapeutic Approaches Informed by Attachment Theory

Module 6: Practical Applications

– Enhancing Attachment Security in Relationships

– Self-Reflection and Personal Growth

– Applying Attachment Theory in Professional Settings

Module 7: Research and Contemporary Debates

– Current Research and Findings in Attachment Theory

– Criticisms and Debates

– The Future of Attachment Theory

Career Path:

 Social workers

 Care workers


 Teaching assistants

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 23 Lessons
  • Course Certificate
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